Get FREE Access to Virtual Bootcamp for 7 Days!
Sign-up for a FREE Guest Pass below to try our Live Virtual Bootcamp Classes. In addition, you'll also get access to the following for 7 days:
Video on Demand
Get access to hundreds of streaming exercise videos of any type and any time.
WLFS App & Online Portal
Provides access to workouts, nutrition, and virtual community
Progress Tracker
Allows you to track your weight and bodyfat.
Food & Nutrition App
Tracks your food to ensure you stick to nutritional plan. Guarantees weight-loss.
Workout Plans
Provides custom workout programs.
Virtual Bootcamp Recordings
Includes virtual recordings of weight training, kickboxing, dance fitness, HITT, yoga, balance, foam rolling, stretch, and more.
"I love that I can roll out of bed and still work out with other people in virtual bootcamp. Also, I like that there are multiple day and time options to attend training. Walter is encouraging and alters exercises to fit your level. My mental health is so much better!"
Erin D.
Busy Professional
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